Do you ever do this too? The Purge to Empowerment

Our last full moon was in Scorpio, and it was filled with intensity. Some of us felt this beforehand and some of us leading up to it, but in whatever ways that you were impacted, we were being asked to purge something from ourselves that we no longer needed. And this is deep emotional wounds that we are and have been asked to let go of, as Chiron has been conjunct Mercury through the eclipse season also asking us to dredge up patterns of thinking that are toxic for us. Are you letting go of an old wound? 

I’ve certainly had an old emotional/mental pattern that I have been faced to look at. And while you can’t always heal it until you feel it, you also need to become aware of what the pattern is. For some of us, and this included me, it was an old childhood wound that I hadn’t seen in a long time. Like a two headed monster dragon with lots of teeth, while it was truly scary, I had to face this inner demon. Then, two weekends ago I woke up with a sore throat and took it easy other than doing chores, but soon found myself in bed for a few days. I was back to work by Tuesday only to find myself in bed again after an Amma for me on Thursday night thinking, “Oh, boy. I’ve over done it.” This was not a turn I had wanted to take. But I had hurried along my wellness journey as I am rarely sick. When we are dealing with an upper respiratory issue, this is always related to grief and sadness, and I needed to process more of my emotions that had come up around this old trauma wound. 

Can you relate to rushing through your illness? Sometimes our bodies have other plans for us with deeper healing if we haven’t processed the inner pattern that needs to be faced. So I’m here to tell you we have to sometimes relax into what is showing up. 

The Jupiter and Uranus conjunction last week was also full of shocks and surprises, and this could have some of you in recovery, while others may finally have a turn in a sudden but fantastic direction. The good news is that Mercury is no longer retrograde and while we are in the post-shadow energy, we are coming out of that in the next week and a half. Our abilities to be heard and seen will continue to improve, along with Venus now in Taurus, its home sign, will allow us to feel greater love in our relationships and homes once again. Mars also just entered Aries, also its home sign, so now our abilities to take action and to really succeed in making things manifest will begin again. So if you’ve been contemplating those changes, now is the time to start putting in the action steps! 

The Scorpio full moon also tells of stepping into a greater sense of our power. And we all know that while we want to be empowered and our greatest selves, it can be scary to believe we can have that. But we can! Remember we are still in the dragon month for a few more days until May 5th. So soar to great heights, and feel your wings, allowing yourself to have that great vision. And if you’re not able to fly right now, and you need to be like a cat and lick your wounds, then listen to your body and be gentle and allowing. 

How are you becoming more empowered through all the inner work you’ve been doing? As always, I love supporting you through my four pillars: 

Body to heal at the root and create foundations that allow ourselves to prosper. 

Mindset to create intention, awareness, abundance, and self-love.  

Heart to unravel emotions, and stay connected to yourself and the planet.

Alchemy to transform with the energies; unfurling into that new fuzzy caterpillar. 

Let me know how I can support you in your evolution of empowerment! 

Here’s to Remembering You Are the Gold,



Transform Old Emotions & Thoughts to Rise Like the Phoenix