Amma Bodywork

Amma Bodywork is acupressure and bodywork that allows the organs to recalibrate and synchronize together once again. This is particularly helpful for stress reduction, boosting immunity, and helping with any kind of physical or emotional pain and releasing it. Amma is similar to acupuncture meets massage, but with no needles, and is a circular rhythmic bodywork over the meridians that moves the energy through the body, removing stagnate energy. Korenna specializes in healing autoimmune, mystery illness and anxiety. Korenna also loves to guide people in getting off and staying off of medications, healing with whole foods and incorporating manageable lifestyle goals for achieving stress reduction. Everything is looked at through the lens of Chinese Medicine; balancing the organs and getting them to sync and work in harmony once again. Nutrition, lifestyle and what needs released emotionally, spiritually and energetically are all addressed as desired.

  • Intuitive insights from your higher self

  • What emotional things may be holding you back

  • Alchemy coaching with shadow work

  • Holistic nutrition

  • Lifestyle guidance to enhance the body through mindful movement, quieting the mind, and conscious communication

  • Fire cupping

  • Guasha

  • Moxa

  • Herbal consultation

Benefits of Amma

  • The body gets a tune-up creating sustained health

  • Immune system recharges

  • Aligns the chakras, and energy centers

  • Helps to release dis-ease bringing the body into balance naturally

  • Helps to prevent colds/flus/viruses and with post-COVID and virus healing

included Add-Ons

woman getting an acupressure treatment
  • Amma Bodywork Therapy is an Asian bodywork style that came from Korea and is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Amma is energetic and rhythmic bodywork that is likened to acupuncture meets massage and seeks to treat underlying disharmonies to achieve more balance in one’s health. This is done by the practitioner massaging down the energy meridians of the body and then stimulating acupressure points that are needed depending on the person’s condition, constitution, symptoms, and tongue and pulse diagnosis. Amma allows dis-ease and discomfort to be removed and is helpful with any kind of physical, mental, and emotional pain. Amma Bodywork takes a holistic approach and so sees physical, emotional, mental and spiritual as interrelated to the wellness of each person. Recommendations will often be made for diet, exercise, supplements and herbs to promote wellness.

    Additionally, Korenna assists clients with an Amma treatment as needed and desired with fire cupping, guasha, moxa, and herbal recommendations.

  • Korenna specializes in helping those with any autoimmune, anxiety, chronic pain and stress. She especially loves helping people avoid unneeded medications, surgery and finding ways to incorporate whole foods to heal the body and heal the root cause. Amma is also particularly helpful for fatigue, mood swings, PMS and menstrual issues, HBP, heart conditions, skin and hair issues, insomnia, mystery illnesses, digestive problems and gut healing, high cholesterol, GERD, blood sugar issues, those who want to lose weight, preventative alternative to surgeries for wrists, shoulders, knees, and back, post surgery healing, back and neck pain, post Covid healing, preventing colds/viruses/flus as well as pushing them out if you catch them at the very start. Korenna also has given hope to many clients who have been told: “you will always have a disease and you will always need medication”. Not only is this not true as the body is designed to heal, but Korenna has helped others out of pain and off of medications with Amma Therapy, as well as healed herself from an autoimmune condition.

  • Amma comes from a line of Oriental physicians and masters of Chinese Medicine and martial arts and was developed over 5,000 years ago. Amma comes from Korea and is from the 800 families that were the royalty and ruling class of Korea. A woman from one of these royal families; the Kim family, named Tina Sohn later came with her husband Dr. Sohn (who was a trained acupuncturist and martial artist from the same lineage), to the United States. These families all had their women learn the ancient healing arts including Amma, acupuncture, herbalism, philosophy, yoga/Tai Chi/Qigong and intuitive/sensitive and energy development. Tina and Robert Sohn brought Amma to America in 1964 and they opened a school in New York in 1976.

  • Acupressure doesn’t use needles, and in the case of Amma (acupressure plus bodywork), it is moving the energy with the hand in a rhythmic and circular direction massaging over the meridians of the body. Amma literally means to “push-pull”, and moves the energy through these channels to unblock stagnant energy. The channels or meridians are the lines along the body where the acupoints lie and where the qi, or energy travels through the body. While acupuncture moves the energy with the needle stimulating a point, Amma practitioners move the energy with this push and pull bodywork, along with pressing on the acupoints with their fingers and thumb.

    They both effectively move the energy of the body to get the organs working in harmony together once again. Acupuncture and Amma both also move the blood and qi, and all fluids of the body, effectively moving any blockages and helping promote the flow in the body that promotes health and healing. While some people may be afraid of needles, acupressure or Amma provide the person with the added benefits of no needles, along with bodywork (massage), and moving lymph and muscles, to relax the body.

    Korenna is a skilled sensitive who feels the energy of the body and is able to detect blockages, and move and direct energy out of the body, or get the energy in flow once again.