Chinese astrology

Inner Wisdom Star Powers Package

When you know your authentic star powers, you are able to see and utilize all your innate gifts with your own star design. Along with this, when you utilize the energy of the days for their highest outcomes, life flows. This will allow you to achieve a work life balance so you will know when you can rest, stop stressing, over-giving and over-committing and find the ideal times to put in your time and efforts. Are you ready to relax into knowing what your next step is, and bring in abundance that is easeful and effortless?

What you get in this package: Individual Chinese Astrology Reading and Strength-Based Personal Dates

Astrology Reading: This session will focus on your individual highlights, and how to utilize your innate gifts, and talents, and capitalize on your strengths. This is for sensitives, healers and change makers to help you thrive and excel in your career. This will also show your overall personal makeup to help you maximize relations with all your loved ones. 

Strength-Based Personal Dates: In this personalized strength-based marketing, we focus on applying what you learned from the astrology reading to market to your ideal people, as well as I help create a calendar over the next 3 months of dates for you that are your power, wealth, health, and fame days. This way, you can leverage your gifts with each of your launches and marketing days, and know when to rest. 

Are you wanting to find an important date for starting a business, signing important papers such as buying a house, getting married, reaching out to a potential new employer, getting a medical procedure done or some other important activity that can have long-term consequences? All of these things and more can have a great outcome when we utilize your personal energies, and that of the day and years energies and find a good day for you. When the days are not good energy, this can mean a business or relationship could fail, or could create hardship. Always utilize good energies to make the most of these important life decisions! 

Your Inner Wisdom Star Powers: $347

Your Authentic Star Powers Package

What you get: 1 Individual Astrology Reading + 1 Relationship Reading

Individual Astrology Reading Korenna gives an individualized reading for what you came into this world with to show your innate strengths and authentic skill set that you can develop and utilize more of in creating the life you are meant to live. This will help you know what you bring to the table with your family, work and hobbies. In knowing your star design, you will innerstand the best ways you can express your abilities and dreams, and help you leverage your gifts to create your best life. 

Relationship Reading  Chinese Astrology can show you relationship dynamics between you and others. You can look at the relationship between you and another person, and see all the dynamics such as: why you are/ were attracted to a person, what the strengths of the relationship are, what the energies are that create tension or problems, and how to best innerstand the other person to come to more compassion. This can help you in making a decision before you commit to a romantic relationship, or business partnership. Relationship Readings can be used to see whether or not there is long-term compatibility, or to see if there will be tension or possible conflict issues down the road.

Your Authentic Star Powers: $397

Explore Chinese Astrology Packages

  • Chinese Astrology is based on your individual birth chart. This is called the Paht Chee and has the 8 elements and 8 characters that make up your personal destiny throughout life. This is something I also call your divine blueprint. This chart is based on a1000 year calendar that the Chinese use to calculate important dates. It is an excellent tool to use to know your strengths and weaknesses, and to see what kinds of timing will be easier or more difficult. Therefore, it is an excellent decision-making tool, as well as way to know your innate gifts and to draw upon those and strengthen them.

    The Chinese Zodiac is the cycle of years and energies that are represented by 12 signs, the 12 animals that make up the Chinese Zodiac. Each year is ruled by a particular animal, as well as each month of the year. Energies are always moving, just as the seasons change with nature, the energies move and they are in accordance with these animal ruling energies so to speak.

  • Chinese Astrology teaches and Korenna believes that everything is energy. Energy is neither good nor bad, but there is an interaction between energy, and this can create for any of us strengths, happiness, peace or tension. Korenna utilizes Chinese Astrology and the 5 Elements just as she does in Chinese Medicine, along with the Chinese zodiac and your personal Paht Chee birth chart, to help you see your innate gifts and potentials. She gives an individualized Chinese Astrology reading for what you came into this world with to show you the skills and abilities you can utilize to make yourself a better person, the challenges you signed up for, how to work through these challenges and create the best life. Additionally, you can get a reading that can have an emphasis on how to become a better entrepreneur, or how to excel in your career.

    Chinese Astrology can also show you relationship dynamics between you and others. This can help you to make a decision before you go into a romantic relationship, or business partnership to see whether or not there is long-term compatibility, or if you will have tension and possible issues down the road. This is a good way to avoid frustrating situations that otherwise don’t need to happen. Additionally, with Chinese Astrology, you can look at the relationship between you and another person in your life, see the dynamics between you, what the energies are that created tension or problems, why you are or were attracted to them, what strengths are in the relationship, and how to best understand the other person to come to more compassion.

    With Chinese Astrology and getting a reading, ask yourself: Are you wanting to find an important date for starting a business, signing important papers such as buying a house, getting married, reaching out to a potential new employer, getting a medical procedure done or another important activity that can have long-term consequences? Chinese Astrology can answer all of these things as when to utilize your personal energies, and that of the day and years energies and find a good day for you with the best potential outcome. When the days are not good energy, this can mean a business or relationship could fail, or could create hardship. Always utilize Chinese Astrology and the good energy days to make the most of these important life decisions!

  • Chinese Astrology is the most accurate. Just kidding.There will always be debates on what astrology is most accurate, but the Truth is that there is not one that is better than another. All of them have some degree of accuracy. The person who does your chart for you will influence whether or not you resonate with a particular astrology system or not. With Chinese Astrology, I could have a higher degree of compatibility depending on the elements in my chart and yours, and this will determine whether or not you will receive the Paht Chee chart as well as another person. Also, depending on where you read or hear or watch your astrology information from, this will influence your decision on what you prefer. If you meet someone who does Chinese Astrology and they write an article that is very biased against your element or animal, then you may not think highly of the system afterwards.

    In general, we can resonate with some astrology systems more than others. Also, it is Korenna’s opinion that some astrological systems are better for helping us to learn certain things about ourselves or our lives. Chinese Astrology is especially good for knowing compatibility between people, for finding important dates, seeing the timing of events and why they happened, or to pland and make decisions, as well as seeing what your strengths are in a simplified way. Each astrological system has its strengths in other words. Chinese Astrology is one system that resonates with Korenna, as she is also a Chinese Medical Practitioner and uses the 5 element system with this. This was easily carried over into learning and practicing Chinese Astrology.

  • With the Chinese Zodiac, there is an animal that maintains the energy for the entire year. Additionally, with Chinese Astrology and the Zodiac, there is an animal for each month, so there are 12 animals or energies throughout the year that work with that overarching animal energy that is the theme of the year. With Western Astrology, there is a sign for each month and there are also 12 of these. There is not a sign that rules the year so to speak.