From Pain to Purpose Course

So many of us are in pain because we need skills to discover our authentic selves, learn how to get our needs met, stay in love and out of fear, know our feelings, learn effective communication and shift our beliefs.

What will be possible when you:

  • Have conscious communication with yourself and others

  • Find how to stay in love more and out of fear

  • Learn how to shift limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs

  • Understand yourself on a deeper level

  • Get to the root of your problems

In Alchemy Coaching we see that we are already whole and where we have made ourselves wrongs by looking at what our inner needs and values are. We all want to be seen, heard, valued, respected and loved. We find our way out of low self-esteem, feeling lost, lack of purpose, needing to prove ourselves to others, not feeling good enough, lack of boundaries, the fear of speaking up, fear of conflict, fear of failure, feeling overly sensitive, looking at our judgements, forgiving ourselves, needing to protect ourselves from others, shifting beliefs, learning attachment styles and personality types, and finding ways to stay in love and out of fear. Essentially, we are caring for our soul.

The Pain to Purpose Course is Tailored to You

Self-Love Package: Work with me for 1 month (4 sessions) to work through relationship or career issues, gain self-love, self-acceptance, find peace of mind and begin to get some new tools to integrate. 

Investment is $497.

Authentic and Empowered Package: Work with me for 3 months (12 sessions) to work through life transitions with relationships or career, 

to find peace of mind, gain self-love, empowerment, operate from your authentic self and get your confidence back, learn how to consciously 

communicate, find healthy ways of relating, get new tools integrated  and have the habits in place to make permanent changes. 

Investment is $1197.