The Stars Talk on Believing and Soaring With This Solar Eclipse

The stars talk and tell stories, and their transmission shares of the moving energies and how those energies influence each of us. After yesterday’s total lunar eclipse, many of us are probably feeling an energetic hangover. As a Cancer sun and moon sign, my body has been struggling, as my sign is ruled by the moon and it is easily affected by moon events. How are you feeling from coming through this eclipse? While the influences of these energies will continue for the next couple of weeks, and will ripple out over the next six months, some of the intensity is now behind us.

In ancient China, the yin and yang energies were represented by the dragon and the tiger . It felt very auspicious to me that April being the Yang Earth dragon month, and yesterday being a powerful high energy Yang Water Tiger day was how this eclipse energy came in. This to me heralds in a time of balance that we can collectively bring in. With Pluto now in Aquarius since January, we are also really coming into this time when our collective power will be greater and the balance will tip in favor of us the people, and not those who are the kings/chiefs/1%ers.

So we are still in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and we will be heading towards this way of life more quickly as Aquarius is about speed. With a Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, we are also seeing and feeling sudden, shocking events that Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius can bring in. This new moon is in Aries, and Mars is the ruling planet, which is known as the god of war. Many other placements are in Aries, including the two malefics, Mars and Saturn being conjunct, we are in a tidal wave of martian energy. For each of us, we will need to stay out of reactivity and give grace with Mercury Retrograde, since communication breakdowns can happen.

We will need to find our center, and earthing is important. While we may see more strife in the days to come, we are coming into a time where we will have greater peace. Remember, those in control know of these energies and use it to their advantage as well. So we may see power grabs in the days ahead, but a Total Solar Eclipse also sheds Truth, and more Truth will come to light, to be seen and known by all.

While each of us are going through something personally that we are healing with the Chiron conjunction, it is in doing so that we are able to help the collective. So I personally thank each of you for having the courage. This new moon in Aries will help us to embrace our will and courage to step more onto our hero’s journey to transform, and to sow the seeds of a better world. It is also holding this collective vision for the world that we wish to see and be in that we can create.

The day of the eclipse being a yang water tiger day represents wisdom, freedom, and taking care of family, as well as bringing in innovation, adaptability and resourcefulness while keeping our sensitive nature intact. Both the dragon and yang water bring in greater possibilities for a better world. Our only downfall is when the dragon gets disappointed with itself and feels disillusioned. We will need to temper everything with spiritual practices, so do your meditation, breathwork, yoga, and mindfulness practices. With leadership and its ability for us to believe in our magic, like the dragon, we can and will step into this new path with this new moon and we will fly high and soar, becoming our greatest version.

Here’s to Believing, Trusting, and Riding the Dragon,



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