Sweet Spring Releasing

Sweet Spring in all it's glory!! We’re in the Full Moon Eclipse Portal, and initiating a time of Sacred Surrender. For some of us we are releasing old patterns that have held us back, perhaps it’s limiting beliefs or poor self-talk, others are letting go of an old story where we are giving too much, and continuing to be imbalanced, some of us are letting go of karmic relationships, or a way of living in life that doesn’t serve our soul. While this transition doesn’t happen overnight, we may have felt the stirrings weeks ago, and will continue to see what we let go of and what transpires over this next six months. Whatever you are ready to confront, and ready to step into, your authentic hero’s voice from soul is pulling you ever closer. Some of us will get a wake up call if we haven’t been living in our authenticity, but nevertheless, eclipses always bring about change that brings us into greater alignment. What shifts are happening for you?

For myself, I’m leaning into hearing self-talk that doesn’t support me and being more conscious of ways I have limited myself through language and beliefs. I’m choosing to let limiting stories go, (especially around noticing what patterns have continued and feeling they are part of what I have to accept b/c of astrology, etc.), even though I still love to look at how cycles and energies can affect me. I’m also recognizing how easy it can be to shift into a new trajectory with a project and it seems I’ve always been great at going with the flow as a Pisces Rising, but leaning even deeper into this. I have more to share on what is shifting and also what I’ve been calling in since the new moon portal . Share below what themes have come up for you in the last week or few days. In what ways can you more deeply surrender to your authenticity?

If you’d like to step into greater Alignment with my support, let’s do a Connect Call so I can support you through Ancestral Energy Clearing, Chinese Astrology, or Amma Bodywork Therapy, and you can find this Sacred Surrender as we continue through the eclipse portal through the end of April.


The Stars Talk on Believing and Soaring With This Solar Eclipse


4 Ways to Make an Important Shift That Will Last